Sunday, February 1, 2009

Economic Survival-Be an Employee that Keeps a Job


We all know we are in a recession. People are losing jobs left and right. Hopefully you are one of the lucky people who still have a job.

If you still have your job, you want to make sure you are doing your best at your place of employment. Employers have the upper hand with so many people available to work for them. Make sure you get to work on time, do not waste time on the telephone with family or friends, surf the Internet on company time, call in sick often, etc.

Instead you want to make yourself as valuable as possible. Check with your employer if he or she needs any help with his or her projects. Ask fellow employees if they need any help completing their work. This will show you are there to go that extra mile and take some of the stress off of your boss. If you do not have time to offer extra help, just keep working hard on your own projects. Be sure to meet the deadlines, and if you can, get them done a little early. Although you want to be a dedicated employee and do your best, but do not burn yourself out.

There are always those people that complain at work. You know the people who are constantly negative. The person complains about his or her job, the boss, other employees, his or her home life, a hang nail--you get the drift. In these trying economic times, do not be one of those people. The negative people get other employees down and it is terrible for moral. Employers want happy employees which will turn out more work than the people wasting time complaining.

By working hard, helping others with their work including your boss, and having a positive attitude you may just survive these rough economic times.
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